Ladies who transfer one house into the kid’s paradise
We’ve all, at some point in our lives have thought about ditching the whole conventional living structure and just getting a massive house with our girlfriends. Luckily we weren’t crazy enough to actually do it. Well, behold Holly and Herin, two middle-aged single mothers who turned our dreams into reality.
Image credits: TODAY
When Holly separated from her husband, she had to find a new place to stay for herself and her daughter. Being self-employed, and a resident of Washington DC, she could stretch her budget only so far. That’s when she and her fellow single mother friend, Herin, got the bright idea to buy a house together. And here I can’t even convince my girlfriends to get a hairdryer together.
Video Credit: TODAY
When these two BFFs went for realtors and started to look at feasible options, even though the realtors were very supportive and helpful but every option was still too expensive for just the two of them. That’s when Herin got the bright idea to include two of her other friends, Jen and Leandra in the pact. Lemme tell you, there is no shortage of single mothers in this friend group.
Image credits: TODAY
So now with the whole team in on the idea, all they had to find is a house big enough for all of them. They didn’t have many requirements, just something adequately big, enough rooms for all, and all the same size. Imagine instead of fighting your sibling for who gets the bigger room, you have to fight someone who’s actually understanding and nice, ugh what a pain.
Then came the day for all of them to move in. There were a few things to worry about though. We all know how harsh neighbours can be, I’d know, I died my hair purple when I was 15. They were worried about whether they’d be accepted into the community since all the homes were occupied by single families or leased rentals. But to their surprise, most of the community was supportive of the idea. Some moms even expressed that they were envious. Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want to live in a house with their girl pals and kids.
Image credits: TODAY
Living as a bunch of friends also encouraged them to talk to each other, about things like sexuality, dating, bullying, and even death. I wish I had someone to talk to so openly while growing up. I might’ve been a better person now. The moms specify tasks among each other and just do the chores compatible with their schedules.
“The goal of life is not to reach some plane of happiness but to create an environment where we are safe to pursue happiness in every moment.” Holly sighs.