A hot subject on the internet
There have been several people whose “unconventional” parenting methods have gone viral. It includes a TikTok mother. She was seeking outdoor furniture for her kids so she could place their bedrooms in the garden. As you can expect, it caused quite a stir on the internet. Individuals appear to have quite strong beliefs about how children should sleep. It might be the reason why so many people are upset by this mom’s TikTok comments on cribs. Although the platforms may have changed, the Mother Wars continue to be a hot topic online. Everyone is always attempting to instruct one another. So, they can one day build a successful mommy blog empire and rear children who despise them. Everyone currently despises this mother. It is on behalf of her five-month-old child, who is still oblivious to the world she was born into.
TikTok mom’s perspective on the crib
A user on TikTok posts anecdotes about her parenting experiences. Nevertheless, to put it mildly, several of her techniques are debatable. She talked about sleep routines and nurseries with her 100,000 TikTok fans. Taylor Lorenz, a writer, saw it and tweeted it with the remark, “With all due respect, stupid things.” Why I don’t use a crib for my five-month-old is what she begins by stating. When you look at a normal American nursery, you’ll see it is specifically for the parent’s advantage. It is not for the child’s benefit. People buy these baby jail cells so that they can just walk away and put their babies in there. She said that she lacks a crib. It is for the simple reason that she will never make her child set a bedtime. Putting babies to sleep when they are not weary is cruel since babies are also humans.
If your lover had put you in a container, she adds. Hence, you were unable to escape. Yet even though you weren’t sleepy, your partner insisted that you go to bed. You would probably abandon your partner since it would be abusive. She believed that children had the same right to physical autonomy as adults. She then shows the baby’s not-a-crib look. It has low railings and space in case the infant decides to slide off onto the floor. She says that when the baby needs sleep, he can crawl to a mattress on the floor.
Cribs: the baby jail cells
In a recent video that she published on TikTok, a mother made some strong arguments. These points were made in opposition to the conventional “American” idea of a nursery for children. She refers to cribs as “baby jail cells” and says that the rooms are decorated with art that the infant cannot view. She said that she would never make her child go to bed. Because it would be unfair to confine an adult to bed when they aren’t sleepy.
The mother said it was unfair to put kids in an environment that would encourage parents to leave them there. After that, she described the design of the nursery for her 5-month-old child. In addition to a charming white and gray color scheme, this included a bed that was low to the ground. It also included a pet llama and a live rabbit that joyfully jumped around the space.
Reactions to Taylor Lorenz’s post
Several individuals are responding to Lorenz’s post. Seeing how this woman’s nursery is set up, people are utterly surprised. Mostly because it puts the infant in a lot of danger. People quickly voiced their extremely strong thoughts on mom’s parenting abilities. The blanket, toys, and roll/concussion danger at this age, according to a user, made him scream. Other people noted that they don’t recall ever sleeping in a crib as newborns, much less being frightened by one. Other people said that, if she’s not kidding, this nation is over.
Andrea Rahn, a TikTok user, noted that her mother didn’t use a crib either. She rolled off the mattress at the age of five months, fell the wrong way, and shattered her collarbone. So, this is a rationale for using cribs. There were a lot of other people who agreed with Andrea. Many individuals were pleased to criticize this TikTok mom’s strange parenting methods. But, other people attended and accused her of endangering and abusing children. Forcing a youngster to sleep is beneficial to their mental and physical development. For babies, early growth hormone synthesis is essential. According to an extensive study, 18-month-old babies who had later bedtimes had social, verbal, and motor ability impairments.
Final note
TikTok Mom refers to a crib as a baby jail cell, sparking an internet debate. People claim that cribs are not just for “lazy” parents but are particularly for the protection of young infants.