We all know that quirky couple who adapted a small gesture as their daily ritual. Even if you don’t we bring you these cute acts by couples. Warning: It will probably make you want to leave your non-creative boyfriend.
1. The formal deal
One wife tells that when holding hands with her husband, they sometimes end up in a handshake position. While others might get awkward and try to avoid it, not them. They shake each other’s hands vigorously and say business phrases like, “good business deal, business partner.” Or “production is hitting our KPIs this quarter.”

2. The card swipe
The butt becomes a consent place to touch after a long-term relationship and marriage. This wife tends to go the extra mile with her husband. Every time he helps with chores like sweeping, grocery, etc. She swipes her hands on his crack depicted card payment for his service. She ignores wherever he dares to ask for real currency exchange.

3. The safe space
We love couple outfits and cute things they experiment with using clothes. This couple decided to make us all envy their closeness. When either one of them wears a loose enough t-shirt they trap the other inside it. Lightly suffocating the other one, they say out loud how they are safe inside.

4. The happy proposal
This married couple has an adorable ritual. When they take their rings off for usual housework like shower, dishes, etc. The other one grabs it and proposes to them. Their replies are even more hilarious. They say things like “omg! yes!!!” or something like “I’m seeing someone right now”, “I’ll think about it, this is a lot to take in”, “I’m not looking for anything serious”, “it’s too soon”, “not with that ring”, etc.

5. The stuffed mouth
This isn’t whatever your dirty mind told you. This couple has other plans with stuffing their mouth. They made it a thing to shove their hands in the other’s mouth every time they yawn. I just hope their hands are clean.