The basic information that we have facts about Earth is that is it the only planet with living creatures. It’s blue, round and full of secrets. There are far we don’t know than we do. Let’s uncover a little today. We bring to you12 weird facts about earth that make it funny.
1. More than 50% population lives near coastlines

That’s why the beaches are so crowded. I am here trying to find out how are people buying these expensive sea view villas! But that’s the truth, the coast is the most habitable place with the availability of water and fresh greenery.
2. Earth is actually radioactive

No, the Earth is not trying to kill you a slow and painful death. According to 2011 research, Earth emits 40 terawatts of heat, half of which comes from radioactive decay in its core. The elements at the Earth’s core produce high heat and radioactive waves that lose their toxicity by the time it reaches the earth’s surface.
3. Earth’s sea bed contains $700 trillion worth of gold

Not only gold but also other precious stones like diamonds. Gold is very soft and difficult to extract. Hence, the underwater gold hasn’t been exploited to full capability. Be right back, gotta go swimming to clear my student loan.
4. The sea level could rise 2.5 feet higher in the next century

2.5 feet is as tall as your average kitchen counter. Scientists have predicted global warming is leading to the melting of ice and an increase in water levels. Yes, no one wants to live with that much water in their house. Aren’t you happy now that you couldn’t afford that beach house?
5. The earth is 4.54 billion years old

It’s a very old person. It is difficult to be sure about the exact age of the earth. But scientists found the remains of the oldest rock ( zircon rock) in Australia. Using carbon dating they could determine it was 4.37 billion years old. All in all the earth is very wise and has seen it all. Quite literally.
6. Earth’s surface is recyclable

We assume the Earth has existed as it is for centuries. But every time a volcano bursts the Earth’s surface gets renewed. It replaces all the mud and everything that comes between it. Hence, the surface changes with every volcanic eruption. This is equivalent to the Earth going to shower to rejuvenate and there’s volcanic eruption everywhere.
7. A high magnitude earthquake will split the earth

Have you wondered why the Richter scale only measures from 1to 12? Because it is impossible to have a magnitude 13 earthquake for the Earth isn’t large enough. An earthquake of magnitude 12 will split the earth into halves. Thankgod, the highest measured earthquake was 9.5 units.
8. Gravity is uneven throughout the surface

The Earth isn’t a perfect sphere as you might (or might not) have learned in your geography class. The poles of the Earth are flatter. Hence, the gravity is uneven in different places. Even gravity isn’t perfect so why do you wanna be?
9. Our actions are shrinking the Earth

Extracting groundwater is significantly reducing the volume of the earth. This has been examined and proved when looking at Earth from space. Satellites and GPS stations are used by researchers to determine how much the Globe has sunken over time.
10. No one knows who named our planet

We have records of naming all the planets except the Earth. Many researchers have tried to uncover this mystery with no result. Earth is the only planet not named after a Greek or Roman god, and its name stems from Old English and High German. This mystery person wanted to stay anonymous while doing literally the greatest thing on the planet.
11. We inhale more cosmic dust than Earthian

Almost 14 tons of cosmic dust fall on the Earth each day. We see it as beautiful light playing in the sky. Does this give us superpowers? We don’t think so. Can this be a way of communication with outer space creatures? A few researchers have been trying to use the information for the cosmic dust to find out exactly this.
12. The Earth once had 2 moons

I’d love to see the sky with two moons. It was proposed that the Earth has two moons based on a few discoveries. Some might suspect we still have 2 moons just one isn’t reflected by the sun enough to be noticeable. Are you playing with us Moon 2.0? Here we have Discuss some interesting facts about earh.
Let us know if you want more.