Growing old is a wonderful feeling. You have your sure-shot friends, a retirement plan, and a load of time to relax and enjoy life. But old age becomes especially better if you have someone who takes care of you.
As a human, you have the option to appoint people to look after you. Unfortunately, speechless animals don’t have that privilege. Luckily there is someone for them too. This is the tale of a kind man who was there for animals others looked over.

Introducing Steve Grieg a 55 years old accountant from Colorado. Though this isn’t your regular animal lover. He is known for his deeds of adopting senior animals. He recalls always having pets his entire life with a minimum of four dogs at a time.
Steve was inspired to adopt senior dogs after the lethal accident of his dog ‘Wolfgang’. He wanted a companion for his pup. He asked a shelter for their “least adoptable” dog. He adopted a 12-year-old Chihuahua with bad knees. Others might think of it as too much work but Steve got further inspired to keep adopting more dogs like him.
Steve loved the responsibility and sense of accomplishment that came from taking care of senior dogs. He kept on adopting more animals and now has over a decade of canines and birds in his house. Steves place is home to 10 senior dogs, Bikini the pig, Betty the chicken, and Tofu the turkey.

A normal day in his life is filled with cuddles and service for all his animals. He says, “A normal day for me is getting up at 5 a.m. in the morning and making breakfast for all of them, which, you know, there are 10 [dogs] and most of them have different diets”. He even celebrates special days with them like Christmas, Halloween, etc.
Michele Blazovic, a caretaker visits three times per week to let the animals outside, provide medication, groom them, and clean up after them. Steve says senior animals are just wiser and have things figured out. He stated in an interview, “These dogs know who they are and it’s easy to develop a relationship with a person or pet who knows who they are. It’s just fulfilling knowing that these guys are happy and loved and well-taken care of. It makes my days worthwhile.”

Steve has an Instagram account with 1 million followers. He is inspiring and entertaining this humongous fan following. We hope more people adopt helpless senior animals.